Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMs) at Mass enjoy the privilege of assisting in the distribution of the Eucharist. Training for all who are new to this ministry is provided by the Diocese. This ministry is open to anyone, 16 years of age and older.
- Supporting
- Faith-Sharing
- Compassion
- Celebration
- Assistance
- at Parish Sunday & Weekday Mass. EMs work as teams at each mass to assist the priest-presider.
GIFTS: Supporting, Faith-Sharing, Compassion, Assistance
- to the Homebound. Many Extraordinary Ministers also
bring the Body of Christ to the homes of the sick or homebound who are unable to get to church. GIFTS: Listening, Faith-Sharing, Welcoming, Compassion, Assistance
- to Hospital Patients. A number of our EM’s assist the Chaplains of Stony
Brook, St Charles and Mather hospitals. GIFTS: Listening, Faith-Sharing, Welcoming, Compassion, Assistance