St Margaret of Scotland RC Church

Making Disciples Through Prayer, Faith Formation & Service

Altar Server

Altar Servers are boys and girls, fourth grade through high school, who assist the priests and other ministers at the weekend celebrations of the Eucharist, and at other liturgical functions throughout the year.

GIFTS: Supporting, Faith-Sharing, Celebration

Eucharistic Minister

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMs) at Mass enjoy the privilege of assisting in the distribution of the Eucharist. Training for all who are new to this ministry is provided by the Diocese. This ministry is open to anyone, 16 years of age and older.

GIFTS: Supporting, Faith-Sharing, Compassion, Celebration, Assistance


Lectors have the responsibility of proclaiming the Scripture readings at both weekday and Sunday Masses (open to anyone of high school age and older). New lectors are offered parish and a diocesan-sponsored training program before they begin.

GIFTS: Empathy, Communicating, Faith-Sharing, Celebration

Junior Lectors

Junior Lectors are boys and girls, from fifth grade up, who proclaim the scripture readings at Mass and other special celebrations. Parish training is provided before they begin.

GIFTS: Empathy, Communicating, Faith-Sharing, Celebration


Ushers are instrumental in creating an atmosphere of welcome for those arriving to share in the Eucharist each weekend. They greet our parishioners as they enter the church, help in seating the people, take up the collection, and guide the assembly forward for Holy Communion.

GIFTS: Organizing, Faith-Sharing, Welcoming/ Hospitality, Celebration

Music Ministry

Music Ministry

We have Adult, Teen and Children Choirs that serve on different days of the week.  Our Children’s Choir includes members from 6 to 12 years of age. Along with our Instrumentalists and Music Outreach provide the parish with a diverse experience of contemporary and traditional liturgical music.

GIFTS: Communicating, Faith Sharing, Celebration

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Sound Control Team

The Sound Control Team is made up of teens and adults, trained by and working with our Music Director to provide live control (and support) of our “top quality” church sound system at all of our major events.

GIFTS: Organizing, Supporting, Communicating, Celebration

Funeral Helpers

Funeral Helpers assist at Masses of Christian Burial. Their presence represents the concern of the larger parish at the celebration of the Mass of Christian Burial with their presence and guidance as well as offering practical help to the priest-presider.

GIFTS: Empathy, Listening, Supporting, Communicating, Welcoming, Facilitating, Compassion, Celebration