St Margaret of Scotland RC Church

Making Disciples Through Prayer, Faith Formation & Service

Adult Choir

Our Adult Choir is an ensemble of singers who help lead the sung prayer at Sunday (and Saturday) liturgies, and for the major feasts and seasons of the Church year, including Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost, as well as other special celebrations. These singers are a part of the four contemporary musical ensembles who, at every weekend liturgy, provide the parish with a diverse experience of contemporary and traditional liturgical music.

Teen Choir “CITY ON A HILL”

Our Teen Choir “CITY ON A HILL” is an ensemble of teens who help lead the sung prayer at liturgies twice a month (usually at the Saturday 5PM Mass) and at special feasts of the church calendar (Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, etc.) supported by the adult members of the music ministry who develop, train, rehearse, and direct them. In addition to leading song at mass, these young people meet weekly to plan and rehearse, share social time and a meal together.

Children’s Choir

Our Children’s Choir includes children (six to twelve years of age) who, through contemporary song and gestures, help lead the sung prayer at particular liturgies once a month (usually at the 10AM Family Mass), and at special feasts of the church calendar (Christmas, Easter, etc.) supported by the adult members of the music ministry who develop, train, rehearse, and direct them.


Our Instrumentalists work with our Director of Music Ministries by sharing their varied musical skills, and accompanying the Adult, Teen, and Children’s Choirs.

Music Outreach

Another music ministry is Music Outreach, which sings outside of the church for holidays.