Sacramental Prep Process
Reconciliation & First Holy Communion
Your family’s wholehearted commitment to your child’s faith formation is celebrated within the Sacramental Prep Process at St. Margaret’s. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd model of faith formation combines weekly class sessions with prayer services, retreat time and other events to offer the child the best possible environment to nurture his/her relationship with our Lord.
Within the class setting, the children will explore their relationship with God through prayer, song and meditation. Through the reverent atmosphere created in the classroom space, the children will develop a sense of awe, wonder and joy in our God. They will work with specially prepared materials, allowing them time to contemplate their relationship with Jesus, the Good Shepherd.
During the two year preparation period, weekly class sessions include catechist presentations on the Bible, the Liturgy and Scripture. These presentations enable the child to encounter God’s kingdom for his/herself, accepting insights and drawing conclusions that allow faith to root deeply in his/her soul. They are invited to ponder the scripture passages while working and praying with the materials specially designed for their use.
Parents & Children prepare for the child’s First Communion retreat by participating in a series of 5 meditation evenings on the Friday evenings preceding their First Communion Retreat. Parent & Child will work together on their First Communion Collar, a keepsake to be worn on First Communion Day. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated at a Family Prayer Service during the retreat weekend.
First Communion Masses are held in the spring and are truly celebrations for the entire Parish. As part of the entrance procession, the children remind all present of the gifts received at baptism by wearing a white first communion robe during the Mass. The children take time immediately after the Mass, in the retreat space, to reflect on the joy and beauty that fills them.
Through this comprehensive process, children will engage:
Liturgical Colors | The Liturgical Calendar |
The Altar | The Geography of Israel |
The Parables | The Gestures of the Mass |
The Paschal Mystery | Eucharist |
Baptism | The Sign of Peace |
The Vestments of the Priest | Prayers of the Faith |
Bible Narratives and Prophecies | Church Structures & Furnishings |
The Real Presence of Jesus in the Tabernacle |
Parents are invited to assist in the classes, be trained as catechists or provide support in the form of replenishing supplies or organizing materials. Please contact us if you are interested in assisting.
Two Year Sacramental Preparation Process for Reconciliation & First Holy Communion